We follow orthodox Mizrachi (Sephardic) style. Men and women are seated separately during prayers. Kohenim make the priestly blessing every shabbat. We have no fixed prices for meals- any donation is appreciated.
Our schul is equipped with a mikva.
Ohel Shelomoh has a few rooms available for guests during shabbat and holidays. There are also a number of reasonably priced hotels nearby. In an attempt to keep visitors well informed, please give us feedback about your hotel experiences in Kobe. Below are some usual choices:
Toa-road hotel:
Phone:+81(0)78.391.6691 Fax:078.391.6570
Rates 7,000 (single) to 21, 000 (doubles)
Green Hill Hotel
Green hill hotel: +81(0)78-222-1221
Kobe Kitanozaka Hotel
http://www.kobekitanozakahotel.com/ (Japanese Only)
Email reservations: kobe-kitanozaka@zd5.so-net.ne.jp (can be done in English-but reservations should be made as far in advance as possible-they fill up quickly).
It's located about ten minutes' walk from the shul, and it's the only hotel near the shul that has no electric door at the entrance to the building and to each room. It does use an elevator but there are also stairs connecting all the floors. And it's quite cheap. And for all these reasons I always stay there when I visit Kobe, including my forthcoming visit there from the end of January for about two weeks. The only possible problem is that their website and online reservation system are available only in Japanese.